Last Updated: Jan 14, 2019     Views: 33522

Patrons will find wireless networks at all buildings in the San Francisco Public Library system. 

Connecting to the network requires a mobile device with a wireless Internet card that supports the WiFi standard.

Configure your device to automatically accept an IP address by Right clicking "My Network Places/Network Neighborhood."

Finding Library Hot Spots

WiFi iconTo find the Library's hot spots, click on your wireless icon in the taskbar. If no icon is present:

  1. Click Start, Settings, then Network Connections
  2. Right click Wireless Network Connection and then click View Available Wireless Networks (a list of wireless access points appears in the Available Networks box)
  3. Click the #SFLibraryWiFi WiFi network
  4. Click Connect

Connecting with Different Operating Systems

Windows OS

  1. Right click My Network Places/Network Neighborhood
  2. Go to Properties
  3. Double click Wireless Adapter (or simply click on your vendor icon for the wireless adapter in the lower right hand tool bar)
    • SSID (network name) = #SFLibraryWiFi and a DHCP address will be allocated automatically
    • WEP = disable WEP encryption
    • Mode or Network Type = Infrastructure mode or access point
    • Restart (reboot) the computer (this is not a requirement with Windows XP)
    • Open a Web browser


  1. Click on System Preferences from the Apple Menu
  2. Double click the Network logo
  3. Under Show Menu select AirPort
  4. Close window
  5. Open Internet Connect and turn on AirPort
  6. From Network Menu select #SFLibraryWiFi
  7. Open a Web browser

Internet Explorer Tips

(Depending on your version of software, there may be variations in these procedures.)

  1. From Control Panel, select Internet Options > Connections tab
  2. For those with a dial-up connection, do not set it to Always dial my default connection
  3. LAN Settings should be Automatically detect settings and leave the Proxy server settings blank

Windows Vista & Windows 7

(You may need administrative access to your laptop to change these settings)

  1. From Control Panel, select Network and lnternet > Network and Sharing Center > Change
    adapter settings
  2. Right click Wireless Network Connection or Local Area Connection; click Properties
  3. Locate lnternet Protocol Version 4 (TCPJIPv4) and get into its Properties (if more than one
    TCPIIP protocol is listed, look for the one associated with your wireless adapter)
  4. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically
  5. From Control Panel, select Network and lnternet > Network and Sharing Center > Connect to a network
  6. Select the name of the wireless network #SFLibraryWiFi and click Connect

Windows 2000 & XP

(You may need administrative access to your laptop to change these settings)

  1. From Control Panel, select Network and Dial-up Connections or Network and Internet Connections > Internet Connections
  2. Right click Wireless Network Connection or Local Area Connection; click Properties
  3. Locate the TCP/IP protocol and get into its Properties (if more than one TCP/IP protocol is listed, look for the one associated with your wireless adapter)
  4. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically
  5. For XP, right click Wireless Network Connection and select View Available Wireless Networks
  6. Select the name of a wireless network #SFLibraryWiFi and click Connect

Windows 8 and 8.1

(You may need administrative access to your laptop to change these settings)

  1. From Control Panel, select Network and lnternet > Network and Sharing Center > Connect to a network
  2. Click on the #SFLibraryWiFi SSID under Wi-Fi on the right side
  3. Click on the Connect button, select the check box Connect automatically if you wish to have your device connect to the wi-fi network the next time you are in range. If your device connects successful, the system will show a Connected status under the SSID
  4. Open a browser and click to agree to the Terms and Condition statement to proceed to browsing the Internet.


Network Settings (OS X)

  1. Select Apple Menu > System Preferences > Network button
  2. Select TCP/IP tab and configure Using DHCP (above the TCP/IP tab, you may need to configure via AirPort or other wireless (WiFi) ethernet)
  3. Leave Domain Name Servers and Search Domains blank

Network Settings (OS 8 & 9)

  1. Select Apple Menu > Control Panel > TCP/IP
  2. Connect via AirPort or other wireless (WiFi) ethernet
  3. Configure Using DHCP Server
  4. Leave Name Server and Additional Search domains blank