Last Updated: Oct 13, 2021     Views: 73841

Enter your library card barcode number (21223...) at You will receive email with instructions for changing your PIN / Password.

If you need more assistance, contact us and provide your:

  • library card account number
  • full name
  • residence address
  • birth date
  • telephone number
  • email address
  • desired PIN / Password with at least 4 but no more than 30 alphanumeric (numbers and/or letters only) characters, with no "common trivial patterns" such as:

--A character that is consecutively repeated three or more times, e.g., aaaa, aaaax7gp, x7gp3333
--A set of up to four characters is that is consecutively repeated two or more times, e.g., abab, abcabc, abcdabcd, ababx7gp, x7gp3434