Last Updated: Feb 28, 2025     Views: 8883

STEP 1: Log into your library account dashboard.

Log In with your 14-digit library card number/username and PIN/password and click My Library Dashboard (BiblioCommons Catalog) under your username. If you need to reset your PIN or password, please use our PIN/password Reset Tool.

STEP 2: Click Submit a Suggestion.

Under My Borrowing on the left side of your Library Dashboard, click Submit a Suggestion (or Suggested Purchases in the SFPL app). You may submit 10 per month.

STEP 3: Enter the required information on the next three screens and submit your suggestion.

Enter the Title, Author/Performer/Director, and Publication Year (Screen 1) and then click the blue Next button at the bottom of the screen. Please be accurate; if the Library already owns the item, you will be notified right away.

Select a Format, Audience, and Language (Screen 2). If you know the ISBN and/or Publisher, enter those details as well. 

Click the blue Next button at the bottom of the screen for a summary of your suggestion and to see any matching items that the Library owns.

If your suggested title is matched with one that the library already owns, it will appear on the following screen with the options to Cancel or Submit Anyway.

Click the blue Submit button to receive confirmation.

Click Suggested this Month to track your suggestions.

What to Expect

  • You may submit up to ten (10) requests per month.
  • Newer and popular titles of quality are prioritized over older and obscure ones. Older titles may be available instantly from Hoopla Digital
  • Due to the volume of requests and other factors, please allow up to 8 weeks for requests to be fully processed. 
  • Suggestions will be "approved" or "not approved" with a brief explanation. You can view our response by clicking your username in your account, selecting My Settings and then Suggested Purchases
  • Most approved titles will be available in 6 to 8 weeks, but shipping delays and order cancellations beyond our control may occur. 
  • Please note that Suggest a Title is not a reservation system. It is intended to be used for titles initially overlooked in our selection process. We are not able to add every suggestion or provide order updates after a purchase decision is issued.