Last Updated: Dec 23, 2022     Views: 1101

Once you have completed the Suggest a Title Form requesting SFPL order a title we currently do not carry, you can get an email notification letting you know when we have ordered the title, if we decide to do so.

You can do this is via Preferred Search in the Classic Catalog.

Please note it can take up to 6 months (and sometimes even longer) for items to get ordered and arrive at SFPL ready for patrons to check out. We have to work with city-approved vendors, and with strict budget and time constraints, and that makes acquisition an often lengthy process.

The Bibliocommons catalog only provides email notifications when eBook titles are available.
However, you can Place a Hold and add on-order items to your For Later shelf in Bibliocommons; the items will then display in the Available now section on your Dashboard when they’re available.
This will only work for items SFPL has already ordered, however.