Last Updated: Oct 06, 2021     Views: 2986

Preferred Search is how you would be notified about new titles added to the catalog.

Please follow the steps below to create a Preferred Search List.

1. From our homepage hover over the BOOKS & MEDIA tab and select CLASSIC CATALOG from the drop down menu.

2. Click on the LOG IN button.

3. Enter your Library Card Number and your Personal PIN number and click the LOG IN button.

4. Select the SEARCH THE CATALOG link.

5. Perform your search. For example, if you wish to be notified about new books by a preferred author, select Author in either the drop-down menu or the Author link. Type the author's name in the search box and click the SEARCH CATALOG button. You can also choose TITLE or KEYWORD.


A total of 25 preferred searches can be stored to your account.

7. Next, to see your saved Preferred Searches, click on the LIBRARY RECORD button.

8. Now, select the PREFERRED SEARCHES link

9. From here you will see a list of all the Preferred Searches you have made. Click the box under MARK FOR EMAIL and then UPDATE LIST to get emails for this preferred search.

10. When the San Francisco Public Library receives a new title by your Preferred Search author (or new items according to what you entered as your Preferred Search), you will receive an email message.

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