Last Updated: May 16, 2024     Views: 20805

Laptop Program Facts

  • Laptops can be borrowed by SFPL library card holders at the following locations: Bayview, Bernal Heights, Chinatown, Eureka Valley, Excelsior, Golden Gate ValleyIngleside, Mission, Mission Bay, Noe Valley, North Beach, Ortega, Park, Parkside, PortolaRichmond, Sunset, Visitacion ValleyWestern Addition, and MainThe Mix at Main offers laptops and ipads to teens.
  • Laptops are for in-library use only. They cannot be taken outside the library.
  • Laptop and desktop computers that require an SFPL library card can be used in any combination for a total of two hours daily.
  • Camera and volume is not enabled.
  • Laptops can print to library printers.
  • Laptops have the following computer programs:
    • Microsoft Windows 10
    • Microsoft Edge
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Google Chrome
    • Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
    • Microsoft Office Standard 2016 (Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Publisher)
    • CalFresh Application Shortcut
    • Notepad
    • Paint
    • Windows Snipping Tool
    • Calculator
    • Language Input: Russian, Vietnamese, Spanish (United States), Japanese, and Chinese (Traditional)
    • SFPL Fonts

Borrowing Procedures

  • Laptops are available to patrons who have a current library card (excluding Welcome, Digital Access and Visitor Cards) with outstanding fees of $50 or less.
  • You must read, understand and sign (or accept at laptop checkout kiosks) the San Francisco Public Library Laptop Use Agreement.
  • For children ages 12 and younger the Laptop Use Agreement must be signed by the parent/guardian listed on the child's library record. This must be signed at the Circulation Desk in the presence of a library staff member.

Loan Periods and Use Procedures

  • Laptops can be borrowed for in-library use only.
  • Laptops can be borrowed for up to two hours.
  • If you cannot log in, please bring the laptop to a Library staff member.
  • Return the laptop after your session is over to make it available for the next user.
  • If you are using the laptop at the end of the day, it must be returned 15 minutes prior to the library closing.
  • No laptops can be borrowed 30 minutes prior to the library closing.
  • There are no floppy drives or DVD/CD drives on the laptops. You must use a personal USB device to save your work.
  • All files and downloads will be deleted when your session has been completed.