Last Updated: Feb 20, 2025     Views: 9923

Getting Started

  1. Get the free Flipster app for your Android, iOS, or Fire device.

  2. Open the Flipster app and click the Get Started button. Find San Francisco Public Library and click the Log In button.

  3. Log in with your 14-digit library card number.

  4. Tap a cover to borrow a title and click the Download button.

  5. Start reading magazines. 

All titles are available on demand. Most are unlimited and can be kept indefinitely (forever). Downloaded titles can be accessed offline.

NOTE: If you do not have a tablet or smartphone, you can access Flipster from a web browser on your computer, where titles can be viewed, printed out, or saved to PDF.

Flipster can also be accessed on Internet computers at the Main Library and Branches.

Flipster - Tutorial

Flipster - Mobile App Tutorial