Last Updated: Oct 22, 2019     Views: 4760

Ancestry Library Edition logoThe following is a list of major features and functionality in that are NOT included in Ancestry Library Edition

Family Trees Tab:

This section of the website offers many ways to share and manage all the information you find at Recently added is the ability to upload photos, documents, and add stories about ancestors in the Personal and Public Member Trees. There is also a Family Trees Search tab especially dedicated for searching the family trees in Family Tree Maker software will not link to Ancestry Library Edition.

Collaborate Tab:

Includes all of the member’s interactions from Members Connect (with each other), Message Boards, Ancestry’s World Archive Projects, and Public Profile.

Learning Center Tab:

The content of this tab is linked in the HELP link at the top right corner of Ancestry Library Edition rather than in the standalone tab as in Search the largest collection of family history how-to and genealogy learning materials on the Internet. Browse or search the archives of the Ancestry Daily News, and popular online columnists.


  • The Learning Center tab in is always available for free and content from Ancestry Magazine can also be found in the Ancestry Library Edition link to the Learning Center.
  • Be aware that, depending on the library’s firewall, some of the tutorial videos may not run.
  • The newly announced Wiki beta from Ancestry for The Source and The Redbook is now available in Ancestry Library Edition under the Wiki Tab in the Help section.

DNA, Publish, Shop, Hire an Expert, and Gift Memberships Tabs:

These resources allow you purchase your favorite Ancestry and other genealogical publishers’ books, magazines and CDs – including Ancestry’s The SourceRedbookPrinted Sources and more - DNA kits (and posting results), Hire an Expert (to help you with your research or photo copy a document for you).

One World Tree:

One World Tree gathers family trees and family history records of millions of people, analyzes their birth, marriage, and death data, and then displays the most probable matches. Essentially, this is a computer-generated lineage database.

The Ancestry World Tree and the Ancestry Message Boards are read-only for users of Ancestry Library Edition. You will not be able to upload GEDCOM data or other family tree software (such as Family Tree Maker), post messages, or reply to messages using Ancestry Library Edition.


There are certain databases or collections that are available in, but are NOT included in Ancestry Library Edition:

Obituary Collection:

The collection contains recent obituaries from hundreds of newspapers.There is still a strong and growing collection in Ancestry Library Edition. But, newspaper titles offered by ProQuest are not available in the Library Edition. The collection contains both full text and/or abstracting/indexing access to the newspaper titles

Members Connect (previously People Finder):

This feature helps to put users in touch with other researchers looking for the same ancestors.

Historical Newspaper Collection:

These are mostly small town newspapers, and most do not have complete series / coverage.

ProQuest’s Genealogy & Local History Books in the Families and Local Histories Collection:

These titles are found in HeritageQuest Online.

Freedman’s Bank Records:

This database is found in HeritageQuest Online.

Biography & Genealogy Master Index (BGMI):

This is a Gale Cengage Learning database. After AncestryPlus was discontinued, Gale licensed this content to for the consumer market only. The data was last updated in the 2008 release.

Passenger and Immigration List Index (PILI):

This information is updated through 2009 with content provided by Gale Cengage Learning.