Last Updated: Sep 10, 2018     Views: 8640

My Check-out History is an optional service that allows you to maintain a history of items you have checked out from SFPL. You may opt in to or opt out from this free service, or remove any or all titles from your Check-out History, at any time. Opting in to this feature constitutes explicit consent to the storage of your Check-out History from the date you opt in. Library personnel will not access or release your Check-out History unless required by law to do so. Users may opt out of this service and delete Check-out History at any time.

To Opt In

  1. Log in to your Library record in the Classic Catalog (use the Log In button).
  2. When you click on the My Check-out History link for the first time, you will see a button labeled Turn On Check-out History
  3. Once you have opted in, the system will begin maintaining a history of the items you check out. Unfortunately, at this time the system cannot include LINK+ interlibrary loan, eBooks, or eMedia items in your Check-out History. Also, please note that the system cannot retroactively access your Check-out History, so you will only be able to view titles checked out after you've opted in.

To view or edit your Check-out History

  1. Log in to your Library record in the Classic Catalog (use the Log In button).
  2. Click on the My Check-out History link.
  3. You can delete any or all of the titles in your Check-out History by using the checkboxes and "Delete Marked" or "Delete All" buttons. Deleting items will remove the record of your checkout from the libraries' server. This action is irreversible.

To Opt Out

  1. You must delete your Check-out History before opting out of the service.
  2. Log in to your library account (use the "Log In" link at the top of the page).
  3. Click on the My Check-out History link, then click the "Delete All" button, which will delete your Check-out History from the library’s server. This action is irreversible.
  4. Click the "Turn Off Check-out History" button. The system will stop maintaining a record of your checkouts from this point forward, until you choose to opt in again.


Check-out History FAQ


What Is My Check-out History?
My Check-out History is your personal list of items that you have checked out from the Library. If you want to have your Check-out History retained, you must choose to Turn On Check-out History. The Library does not automatically collect library user Check-out History.

How Do I Create My Check-out History?
Click on the My Check-out History link in the Library Record Screen. You control your Check-out History by selecting Turn On Check-out History or Turn Off Check-out History. Once you opt in and enable your Check-out History, the system will start collecting a list of items checked out from that time forward. Items you have already checked out at the time of opting in are not added to user Check-out History. Once you have opted in to Check-out History and checked out items, you will see your list whenever you enter the Check-out History display.

Can I Delete Items From My Check-out History?
You can Delete All items from your Check-out History or choose to Delete Marked items only by marking the entry with a checkmark in the column and clicking the Delete link.

How Do I Discontinue My Check-out History?
You must first delete all items from your Check-out History before you choose to Turn Off Check-out History. Then click the Turn Off Check-out History link to disable Check-out History.