You are responsible for all items borrowed on your library card. Please contact the library to discuss any discrepancies.
- Cardholders agree to abide by library rules regarding borrowing materials, public computer use, and the Patron Code of Conduct.
- Keep your account up-to-date by providing your current residence and mailing address, telephone number, and email address. Contact the Library to renew your card every 4 years.
- Use only your own library card and PIN, whether for borrowing materials or using library computers or other electronic resources (some exceptions may be made for parents/guardians of children under age 13 for checking out materials). Information relating to your library account and materials borrowed is confidential. Fraudulent use of another person’s library card and/or card number is prohibited and may result in suspension of library privileges.
- Make sure items are in good condition and that DVDs, CDs, etc., are not missing from the case BEFORE you borrow.
- Return materials on or before the due date. Laptop / MiFi, and LINK+ or Interlibrary Loan materials must be returned directly to a staff person during open hours. Vinyl LPs must be returned during open hours as they do not fit in the book drop. Other materials may be returned to a book drop if the library is closed.
- Report a lost or stolen card immediately, including the keychain portion.
- Pay fees with cash or check at any location except for bookmobiles. MasterCard and Visa are accepted in person at any SFPL location or online when logged in to your classic catalog account.
- Report lost or damaged items immediately.
- LINK+ and InterLibrary Loan items are borrowed on behalf of San Francisco Public Library cardholders. Use of these services constitutes agreement with procedures and policies stipulated by the owning institution.
- Parents and Guardians are asked to share with your child the importance of having a library card and the responsibilities that go along with it. The Library has an open access policy to all materials and information sources, which means that the Library does not restrict access to any item in the collection or limit access to the Internet. It is a parent or guardian’s right and responsibility to guide their own children, ensuring that they use the Library according to individual family values.