If an item owned by SFPL is overdue by 3, 10, or 21 days the Library sends a notice by email, phone, or postal mail. At 30 days overdue, the Library sends a bill by email or postal mail; the account is blocked from borrowing, renewing, and requesting physical items if the total amount owed is more than $50.
- Billed items must be returned, paid for in full, or replaced.
- If an overdue item is returned in good condition, no money is owed. Any replacement fee is canceled. SFPL does not assess overdue/late fines.
LINK+ and ILL overdue notices are sent if an item is 3 days overdue and accounts are billed / blocked at 10 days overdue. LINK+ and ILL items may not be paid for or replaced before speaking to staff at 415-557-4406.
- If an overdue LINK+ item is returned in good condition, no money is owed.
- Overdue ILL items must be paid for if SFPL pays the owning institution on your behalf.