Last Updated: Nov 19, 2021     Views: 995

Where can I get updates about the Mission renovation online?

Updates on the Mission renovation are announced on the Library Improvements for Tomorrow – Mission Branch page:

The Library will continue to send updates about the Mission renovation to Mission Branch patrons via email. These update emails will continue to be in Spanish and English.

Can I add my name to an email distribution list?

Yes, if you would like to receive email notifications about the Mission Branch renovation, please let the Library know by email at

Why hasn't construction begun on the Mission Branch renovation yet?

We acknowledge that the current timeline is different from what we initially provided when this project began.

As with most construction projects, the timeline for the Mission Branch renovation has shifted due to a variety of circumstances beyond the Library’s control. We now anticipate that construction will begin in 2022 and last for approximately 2 years. We will be sure to keep you up to date on our progress throughout the next phase of the project and to let you know if we encounter any further delays.

Why SFPL-to-GO & Bookmobile service? Why not just open the branch? How long will you be here?

We recognize the importance of providing more complete library service in the Mission, which is why we are providing both SFPL To Go and Bookmobile service. With these two services, community members can pick up reserved materials AND browse the Mission Branch’s Spanish and English collections. We plan on providing SFPL to Go and Bookmobile service at 300 Bartlett Street until we open a temporary site for Mission Branch Library in 2022.

When will you have another meeting for the community with updates?

A community meeting is being planned for December 2021. It will be an in-person meeting held at Mission Branch Library. More information about this meeting will be posted on and shared via email.

Will there be a temporary site during the renovation of the Branch? Where will the temp site be? Why haven't you moved there yet? When will you move to the temp site?

The Library is committed to providing a temporary site in the Mission during the renovation of the Mission Branch Library. This site will have Spanish and English materials for community members of all ages. Public computers, printing, scanning and copying will be available at the temporary site. Library users will also be able to pick up materials they have reserved at the temporary site.

Our initial efforts at setting up the temporary branch location were focused on co-locating a temporary Mission Branch Library with a local non-profit or other institution in the neighborhood. This process took longer than expected, due in part to the ever-evolving COVID environment.

In recognition of the urgent need to restore library service to the Mission community, we are now working with the City’s Department of Real Estate to rent a storefront property that can host the temporary Mission Branch for the duration of the construction project.

We anticipate opening this temporary site for Mission Branch Library in early 2022.

How long will the Mission Branch renovation take?

We now anticipate that construction will begin in 2022 and last for approximately two years.

Why can’t we enter the branch to use the public computers or browse the collection?

Because the Library renovation was originally scheduled to begin in the fall of 2021, some work to prepare the branch and its collections for closure has already begun. At this time, many areas of the branch are not accessible due to this work.

Our temporary Mission site will include computers for the public. If you need to use a public computer now, please ask staff for directions to other SFPL locations.

Patrons can browse the Mission Branch’s Spanish and English collections on the bookmobile at 300 Bartlett Street on Tuesday, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 12:00 p.m. -5:30 p.m.

If you are looking for a title or topic that isn’t on the bookmobile, please ask Library staff for help in placing a hold.

Can I return materials at Mission Branch during SFPL to Go? Am I able to return materials 24/7?

Yes, Mission Branch Library’s book drop is now open for returns 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Where can I check out Spanish materials from the Mission Branch’s collection?

Mission Branch Library will have bookmobile service Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 12:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. When the bookmobile is present, you will be able to browse and check-out Spanish language material from the Mission Branch collection.

The Mission Branch’s adult Spanish fiction collection has been moved to the First Floor of the Main Library where it can be browsed during the Main Library’s open hours.

Spanish language material for all ages is available at several of our other locations. The Excelsior Branch, located at 4400 Mission Street, and the Main Library, located at 100 Larkin Street, host large Spanish language collections for all age groups. Medium and small-sized Spanish language collections can be found in other branch libraries.

Will the bookmobile at John O'Connell still be available or will patrons have to use the bookmobile at the Mission branch?

Bookmobile service at John O’Connell ended on October 14th and has been relocated to the Mission Branch at 300 Bartlett Street so we can provide more days of service to the Mission community.

Can I pick up print jobs at the Mission SFPL To Go site?

Yes, you can pick up print jobs at the Mission SFPL to Go site at 300 Bartlett Street. You can use the cloud to send documents or web pages (up to 100MB in size) from your personal computer, laptop, phone or tablet to our Library printer. 

Can I return my LINK+ and Inter-Library Loan (ILL) items at the SFPL Mission To go site?

Yes, you can return your LINK+ and ILL items at the Mission’s SFPL to Go site during open hours Tuesdays through Saturdays, 10:00 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.

Can you check my library account at the SFPL Mission To Go site? Can I place items on hold at the Mission To-Go site?

When the bookmobile is at Mission Branch, staff on the bookmobile can assist with library account issues, reset PIN numbers and assist with placing holds for library material.

Mission Branch Bookmobile hours are as follows: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 12:00 p.m.- 5:30 p.m

Can I pick up my items at the Mission To-Go site without my library card? Can I use my ID instead?

It is always recommended that patrons bring their library cards to pick up holds at Mission SFPL to Go site, however as a courtesy to our patrons holds can also be picked up with an ID.

Will there be staff available for tech assistance for my device (smart phone, laptop, etc.) during your open hours?

Staff on the bookmobile will be able to assist with devices based on availability of wifi capacity on the bookmobile. We encourage patrons who need in-depth assistance with their devices to visit the nearest branch which has more robust wifi capabilities. 

Are you planning on opening on Sundays and or Mondays at a later time?

We are working to restore 7-day service to all the communities we serve in SFPL’s Branch Libraries. We recognize the need for more complete service to the Mission community and we anticipate opening the Mission Branch temporary site for 7-day service in early 2022.

How will patrons add funds to their account to use printing services?

Through October 2021, the library will not charge for printing up to $10 per patron per day. Library patrons will be notified when this free service will be lifted and instructions on how to add funds to their accounts will be shared.

Are Spanish-speaking Library staff available to help me at the SFPL to Go site?

Yes, Mission Branch Library has Spanish-speaking staff who will be available to assist patrons in Spanish at all hours of operation of both SFPL to Go and bookmobile service.

The Spanish-speaking staff of the Mission Branch Library will also be available to assist community members at the temporary site when that launches in 2022.

How can I get help with my library record or with placing materials on hold in Spanish?

Mission Branch Library will have a Spanish speaker to assist patrons in Spanish at all hours of operation of both SFPL to Go and bookmobile service. You can call the Mission Branch at (415) 355-2800 for assistance in Spanish and English during their public service hours Tuesday – Saturday 10:00 a.m. -5:30 p.m. You can also call (415) 757-9889 and leave a message outside of Library hours. A Spanish-speaking staff member will return your phone call. (415) 757-9889.

I have an SFPL e-card. Can I convert it to a full library card at the Mission Branch?

The bookmobile staff will be able to make new library card accounts and create library cards for e-card holders on the bookmobile, which is scheduled to be at 300 Bartlett Street Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 12:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Is there a phone number I can call to make suggestions and/or ask questions about the Mission Branch Renovation and temporary Library services?

Questions and concerns about the Mission Branch renovation should be directed to the Chief of Branches office at 415-557-4353. Or, if you’d prefer, Mission Library staff can take down your name and contact information and pass it along to the Chief of Branches Office – or simply forward your comment.

AV 11/4/2021